The Horn of Africa Research and Knowledge Exchange Platform :HAREP

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The socio-economic development of the Horn of African countries has been greatly affected by poverty, famine, refugees, illiteracy and diseases, all largely the consequence of conflict.  Conflicts and political instability have been the main barriers to sustainable development, and improvements in living standards in the Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti.

In the 21st century knowledge can be turned into a major asset for the people of the developing world.  The Horn of Africa Research and Knowledge Exchange Platform (HAREP) takes the initiative to serve as a platform for research and knowledge sharing which could help to bring about more egalitarian knowledge-based societies. 

The HAREP website contains material from a wide range of scientific subjects that can serve researchers and scholars to explore solutions to the socioeconomic problems in the Horn of Africa region.

In the light of the above, the purpose of setting up is to:

Address specific problems that are caused by conflicts and political instability in the Horn of Africa region ;

Encourage problem oriented research and develop system models for exploring  ways of tackling  poverty, famine, diseases etc.;

Link science, engineering and other web resources relating to the Horn of Africa by archiving, and providing access to these resources;

Support research institutes, scholars, and other professionals in this region and around the world who are engaged in research in various disciplines of science and technology ; development ; social science ; archaeology and cultural  heritage ; and

Provide list of current local institutions/field of study, resources (library materials, journals, research studies) and global research efforts relating to the Horn of Africa.

The resources of this website are mainly electronic research papers, theses, articles, databases and listing of important publications which are focused on research and education. It also includes websites of institutes, universities and international organizations from the region and globally.

HAREP calls on all researchers, scholars, graduates and post-graduate students from this region, and on others who have interest in research relating to the Horn of Africa to contribute their publications.

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                      HAREP The Horn of Africa Research and Knowledge Exchange Platform © 2010-2012
