Primary education

Sentence structurefor ks2

ks20001 Double negatives
ks20002 Making Negative
ks20003 Double Negatives
ks20004 Capital letters and full stopsCapital Letters and Full Stops.
ks20005 Here is a sentence about ‘Wellington Boots
ks20006 Punctuating Simple Sentences[Punctuating Simple Sentences
ks20007 Conjunctions [connectives [Changing sentences
ks20008 Double negatives
ks20009 And or But.
ks20010 Connectives as Signpost
ks20011 Get rid of and. Put in a full-stop or a better connecting word. Too many ands and thens. Get rid of some
ks20012 Let’s put an end to splicing
ks20013 Making Compound Sentences[ Vary your connectives
ks20014 Time Connectives [Use these connectives to complete the sentences [Y3 Connectives
ks20015 What-is-sentence-level
ks20016 Simple_subject
ks20017 Subject-and-predicate
ks20018 parts-of-a-sentence
ks20019 Get Subjects-and-predicates-syntax Subjects-verbs-and-objects
ks20020 What-are-subject-and-object
ks20021 Articles/Definite_and_indefinite_articles_[ Grammar-tip-subject-object-pronouns
ks20022 Worksheet: Subject and Verb Agreement [Use these connectives to complete the sentences [Y3 Connectives
ks20023 Worksheet: Subject and Verb Agreement # 2
ks20024 Over 40,000 Resources
ks20025 sentence-writing-structure


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