Too many ands and thens.
Get rid of some.

the two boys were walking home along the busy street and Lee was carrying his football and sometimes he bounced it on the pavement then suddenly the ball bounced out on to the road and Lee ran after it and he didn’t see the car coming towards him then David heard a bang and he saw Lee lying on the road then David ran into the nearest shop and asked the lady to ‘phone for an ambulance then he went to help his friend and he saw a tall man bending over Lee and he shouted, ”Don’t move him!”

Miss out some of the ands and thens or change them. You could use when, but or so, or choose your own word.
Don’t start a sentence with and or then.


Too many ands and thens.

  1. Cross out the ands and thens.


  1. Put in capital letters and full stops    

       to make sentences.

  1. Copy the sentences into your book.  


The two boys were walking along the busy street and Lee was carrying his football and sometimes he bounced it on the pavement then suddenly the ball bounced out on to the road and Lee ran after it

Put capital letters at the start. Put full stops at the end.
Copy the sentences.

    the boys walked up the street

    lee had his football

    he kicked his ball

    the ball rolled into the street

    lee ran after it

    a car hit lee




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