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Full Record
Identifier aac0003
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2)/ Prepared under the direction of The Joint Steering Committee For Revision of AACR Joint Steering Committee
Creator Joint Steering Committee For Revision of AACR
Edition 2nd edition 2002 Revision; 2004 Update
Date Issued 2004
Extent 11 p.
Type pdf
Description The index covers tlre rules (including introductions to the des) and appendices, but not examples under the des or works cited in any of the rules or appendices. 'App. D- indicates that a term is defined in Appendix D (Glossary). Rules for description have been indexed only to the general chapter (chapter r) unless there is an amplification, amendment, or examples specific to a particular fomrat in a later chapter. The index is alphabetized word-by-word, with numerals preceding letters. Numbers, sym_ bols, and punctuation marks at the beginning of index entries are filed as if spelled oul ihev are_a lso filed at the beginning of the alphabet, before the A's. Hyphens and other punctuation and_preposltions preceding subentries are ignored in filing. Thus "author-title" is filed as if spelled ''authoni e." Sincethe locators are arranged hierarchically, index.entry terms with shorter (higher) locators can be assumed to include an the subrules under it. For example, "physical description area, 1.5" covers the range ofrules from 1.5A to 1.5E'.
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Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2)
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