The Horn of Africa Educational and Research Electronic Library: HAEREL

African Studies:Cultural & Physical Anthropology


Title and brief description



C0001 Cultural Anthropology Portal
C0002 Physical Anthropologye Portal
C0003 General Anthropology Resources and Lists Portal
C0004 Anthropologists Find 4.5 Million-year-old Hominid Fossils In Ethiopia Science News
C0005 African Anthropology Educational website
C0006 Cultural anthropology Research website
C0007 Violence and survival in Ethiopia: A comparative anthropology of the Suri people Article
C0008 Physical Anthropology Links Portal
C0009 The Laboratory of Physical Anthropology (1976 - Present) Research website
C0010 Anthropology of Ethiopia Article
C0011 Anthropologist challenges species identification of ancient child skeleton found in Ethiopia Articl
C0010 Anthropology Digital Library Portal
C0011 Early human occupation of the Red Sea coast of Eritrea during the Last Interglacial
The fossil record points to Africa as the origin of anatomically modern humans, approximately 130,000 years before the present. Evidence of Homo sapiens has been found throughout the continent; however, until recently there was little to no reliable evidence that humans were living along the coast at this time. The lack of evidence is in part due to the fact that the African coastline has changed dramatically since the Pleistocene.
C0012 Paleolithic Research on the Red Sea Coast of Eritrea
The specific goals of the project are: 1) to excavate Middle Stone Age (MSA) and Late Stone Age (LSA) sites along the Red Sea Coast of Eritrea that were documented by a pilot survey in May 20051; 2) to describe the geological context and spatial distribution of artifacts; 3) to map lithic raw material sources so that they can be integrated into models of industrial variability; 4) to characterize the variability of lithic and faunal remains at MSA and LSA sites; 5) to refine the chronology of the sites. Fieldwork has commenced in spring 2006 at the Asfet site on the southwest coast of the Gulf of Zula
C0013 Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed, Anthropology in the Sudan: reflections by a Sudanese anthropologist.(Book Review) Book
C0014 Anthropologist digs ancient Sudan bones News
C0015 Anthropology and the Civilizing Mission in Colonial Sudan Research
C0016 Ancient Africa from the beginnings BC / BCE Portal
C0017 Bibliography for the Study of Magic Witchcraft and Religion Bibliography
C0018 The Anthropology of Islam Research
C0019 Anthropology of Religion Portal
C0020 Social and Cultural Anthropology Portal
C0021 Cultural Anthropology Links Portal
C0022 Cultural anthropology: Library Resources Educational website
C0023 Anthropology Article Databases Databases
C0024 Physical Anthropology Resources Portal
C0025 Physical Anthropology Sites on the Internet
Physical Anthropology is the field of study concerned with the morphology and genetics of early homo sapiens. The evolution and adaptations of humans over the past half dozen million years is of study interest.
C0026 AAPA Statement on Biological Aspects of Race Article
C0027 Anthropological Theories Educational website
C0028 Cultural Anthropology: Theories Educational website
C0029 Anthropological Theory Intute website
C0030 Cultural materialism (anthropology) Article