identifier S0015
Mohamed Suliman

The War in Darfur: The Resource Dimension by Dr Mohamed Suliman

File size 326 kb
File type pdf
Date 2008
Research Paper
Include bibliographical reference
Note Sudan
Description "In 1983, at the height of the Sahel drought of 1982/84, skirmishes over land erupted between the farmers of Jebel Marra and the pastoralists of northern Darfur. Bad leadership at local, provincial and central government levels allowed the skirmishes to escalate to an armed conflict. A number of objective and subjective factors, one prominent of which was the closeness of the Libyan/Chadian war, helped in spiralling this deterioration. In 2003, war erupted and still continues in Darfur. In the process, skirmishes over land have become a war about identity; Sudanese of Arab origin are fighting against Sudanese of African origin. This remarkable transformation of a resource conflict into an ethnic war seems to be characteristic of many armed conflicts in the Horn of Africa and the Sahel region. Let a resource conflict endure and escalate and you end up with an identity war!.."
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This the paper presented by Dr. Mohamed Suliman at the conference organised by the America University in Cairo on the 5th of April 2008. It incorporates the 1st paper “War in Darfur: The Desert versus the OASIS Syndrome and a new edition covering the Abuja Agreement and the rebel groups fighting a better deal for their land.

Subject Darfur- Conflicts
Resource conflict
Subject Conflicts, Horn of Africa
Corporated body
Institute For African Alternatives
Remote access
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