Post-Secondary education

Physics Law and Formula

CHEVO0001 Newton’s First Law of Motion
CHEVO0002 Newton’s Second Law of Motion
CHEVO0003 Newton’s Third Law of Motion 
CHEVO0004 Solving ohm’s law word problems
CHEVO0005 Understanding Ohm’s Law and V=IR
CHEVO0006 Series & Parallel Circuits & Ohm’s Law Physics
CHEVO0007 Ohm’s Law, The Basics
CHEVO0008 Physics and the Law of Attraction
CHEVO0009 Kinematics Acceleration Equations
CHEV0010  Law of reflection
CHEVO0011 The Law of Reflection
CHEVO0012 Law of Refraction and Law of Reflection 
CHEVO0013  Second Law Of Thermodynamics
CHEVO0014 Boyle’s Law
CHEVO0016  Kinetic Theory of Ideal gas
CHEVO0017  Convex lens formula
CHEVO0018 Physics Skills – Rearranging Equations
CHEVO0019 Distance,time,speed,acceleration
CHEVO0020 Average Speed vs Average Velocity


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