Post-Secondary education

Atomic Nuclear and Particle physics

CHEVO0001 Basic Nuclear and Atomic Physics-Particle
CHEVO0002 Atomic Physics: 16. Nuclei and Particles
CHEVO0003 Nuclear physics
CHEVO0004 Brian Cox explains Higgs Boson God particle, sub-atomic
CHEVO0005 Atomic Physics 1: Quantum Numbers
CHEVO0006 Particle Physics Gravity and the Standard Model
CHEVO0007 Particle Physics Foundations of Dark Matter
CHEVO0008 History Channel – The Universe – Beyond the Big Bang 
CHEVO0009 Introduction to Particle Physics Part 3/4 
CHEV0010 Particle Physics: Basic Concepts
CHEVO0011  Particle Physics, charge to mass ratio
CHEVO0012 Physics Lecture – 32 – Kepler’s First Law
CHEVO0013 Atomic Physics 1: Quantum Numbers
CHEVO0014 Atomic Physics 3: Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors
CHEVO0015 How Elements are made
CHEVO0016 X Rays – A Level Physics
CHEVO0017 How X Ray Cathode Tubes Work
CHEVO0018 Cathode Ray Tube 
CHEVO0019 Nuclear Reactions
CHEVO0020 How a Nuclear Reactor Works


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