identifier 0023
Workneh Abebe
Dererminats of adoption of improved box hive in Atsbi Wembera district of eastern zone, Tigray region
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"The objectives of the study were to identify determinants of improved box hive adoption
by the beekeepers; and to analyze financial benefits of adopting improved box hive
technology in Atsbi Wemberta district of Eastern Zone, Tigray Region of Ethiopia.
Stratified sampling technique was employed to identify the sample respondents. The
sample respondents were categorized into adopters and non-adopters of improved box
hive. Based on probability proportional to size 45 adopters and 85 non-adopters were
identified out of 130 total sample respondents.

Major problems for promoting improved beekeeping practices were identified in the study area. Ranking revealed that drought; honeybee pests and disease; lack of beekeeping materials; death of colony; lack
of extension support; marketing problem; shortage of bee forage; lack of beekeeping skill
and reduction of honeybee colonies were found to be the major constraints in the
beekeeping development of the district in their order of importance. Cost of improved box
hive was also found to be one of the determining factors for the technology promotion.
Hence, it is recommended that Beekeeping extension, Research and NGOs should
enhance research and extension activities on absconding management, selecting moisture
stress tolerant bee forage, developing a technology from locally available materials,
promotion of ant protection methods and organizing apiary demonstration.
requirement, economic problem to use simpler water lifting and watering equipments,
inability to easily understand the benefit of the technology and problems related with
the structure of the RWH technology adopted were some of the major problems faced
by households, and have a negative impact on the technology adoption rate.".

Dissertation note
Thesis M.Sc in Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Haramaya University 2007
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Mode of Acces No restriction
Subject Beekeeping
Rural Development
Subject Agricultural Extension, Ethiopia,
Agricultural technology
Corporated body
Department of
Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Harmaya University
Remote access
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