The Horn of Africa
Conflict prevention
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Journal Archiving and Interchange DTD Tag Library
Ariadne magazine
Africana Libraries Newsletter
Information Today
Information Research
Monograph Documentation Writing a Research Paper
Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information
Information Retrieval by Semantic Analysis and Visualization of the Concept Space of D-Lib Magazine
IFLA Electronic Collections Writings by Greg R. Notess (Search engines)
Help on Cataloguing Analytical parts of Documents
Journal of Digital Information
Journal of Internet Cataloging
Classification, annotation and representation of information.
On-line lexical reference system
Internet Library for Librarians
Technical Bulletins
Islamic Contributions Libraries
National Libraries in Turkey, Middle East and Central Asia: Past and Present
Clay tablet
Issues in Cataloging Non-Western Materials: Special Problems with African Language Materials
Research Library Based on the Historical Collections of the Internet Archive
Facilitating Scholarly Communication in African Studies
The Katharine Sharp Review
D-lib magazine
Librarianship and Information Science in Islamic East Africa 1966-1999
Reasons Why Libraries and Librarians are Still Extremely Important
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis
Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France
College & Research Libraries
College & Research Libraries News
The Electronic Library
IFLA Journal
The Journal of Academic Librarianship
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Library Hi Tech
Online Information Review
Reference Services Review
The Serials Librarian:
Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids
Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis
Library & Information Science Research
Library Technology Reports
Library Trends
Microform & Imaging Review
Information World Review
Using ICT to Develop Literacy
Principles of awareness-raising: Information literacy a case study
Directory of Open Access Journals
How to create a website: Guiding Principles
Digital libraries in education: analytical survey
Research and advanced technology for digital libraries
Addendum to Catalogue of Ethiopian manuscripts preserved in the Wellcome Library London by Resoum Kidane
Has cataloguing become too simple? : why it matters for cataloguers, catalogues and clients
Resource Description and Access (RDA) Cataloging Rules for the 20th Century
Karen Coyle writings on the digital age
From Card Catalogues to WebPACS
Why we need cataloging
CATALOGING: Ticket to the Past, the Present, and the Future Arlene G. Taylor
Changes for the German and Austrian conversion to MARC 21
Browsing Library Collections: From the Shelf to the Online Catalog
Resource Description and Access (RDA) Cataloging Rules for the 20th Century
Representation of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System in MARC 21 Formats