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Standard Bibliographic Description

Standard Bibliographic Description
Ending Punctuation for Bibliographic Data
Cataloging Resources
Cataloguing Rules for the BIOME Service
Cataloging Tools
Bibliographic elements for remote access electronic integrating
Introduction to the Program for Cooperative Cataloging
Texas Library Association :cataloguing resources
Central Technical Services LC Cataloging Directorate
LC Cataloging Newsline
Library of Congress Authorities
Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI)
Library of Congress cataloguing
Outline of the NLM Classification International Standard Bibliographic Description for Electronic Resource
AACR2 2002 amendments: Concepts, Definitions
AACR2’s Updates for Electronic Resources pdf
AACR 2002 for Updating Web Sites and Databases
New AACR2descriptive cataloging of updating Web sites, databases, and loose-leafs
Revising AAACR2 to Accommodate Seriality: C.1.
Library Technologies, Incauthority control
Bibliographic Formats and Standards
Comprehensive, annotated, indexed resource guide for library technical services
UCLA Library Cataloging Center - Copy Cataloging Tools
Basic Cataloging Tools & Resources
Cataloging Tools
Format-Specific Cataloging Tools:
AACR Rule interpretations : Most recent update: 2004-09-01
Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names (UK National Council on Archives)
Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)
OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers Web Site
Useful Web Sites for AV Catalogers
Authority Tools for Audiovisual and Music Catalogers
: An Annotated List of Useful Resources
Cataloging Procedures Manual
URLs and Bibliographic Data for
Read Draft Final Report of the Working Group
Draft Report of the Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control
Readings in Cataloging and Metadata Education


How the U.D.C. Works
Classification Universal Decimal Classification Outline
Brian Vickery at home On information, knowledge, and ideas
Facet analytical theory as a basis for a knowledge organization tool in a subject portal
Universal Decimal Classification
About Universal Decimal Classification and the UDC Consortium
Forgotten Forefather: Paul Otlet
Classification Schemes
UDC Seminar: Information Access for the Global Community 4-5 June 2007
Universal Decimal Classification System
The art and science of classification: Phyllis Allen Richmond, 1921-1997
Facet analytical theory as a basis for a knowledge organization tool in a subject portal
Universal Decimal Classification
About Universal Decimal Classification and the UDC Consortium
The role of classification schemes in Internet resource description and discover
Metadata and Cataloging Education - Web Clearinghouse
Knowledge Organization Systems: An . Overview
Universal Decimal Classification available on the Web
Forgotten Forefather: Paul Otlet
Classification Schemes
UDC Seminar: Information Access for the Global Community 4-5 June 2007
Universal Decimal Classification System
Faceted classification as a basis for knowledge organization in a digital environment
Universal Decimal Classification: A Faceted. Bibliographic System
Classification Schemes
Bibliographic Management | Factfile[Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)]
Chapter 15 Decimal Classification
Universal Decimal Classification (Contetexualanalysis)Br>