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Glasgow Information Retrieval Group
The Start Natural Language Question Answering System
Information Retrieval Links
Modern Information Retrieval Glossary
Information Retrieval Systems User-Centered Designs
Information Retrieval & Extraction
Information Retrieval Systems
Task dimensions of user evaluations of information retrieval
Machine Learning and Information Retrieval (Belew/Shavlik)
Information Retrieval Systems
Research on N-Grams in Information Retrieval
Machine Learning Applied to Information Retrieval
Evaluating User Interfaces to Information Retrieval Systems :
JILT: A Legal Retrieval System
Information Retrieval Research - SearchTools Topics
Information Storage and Retrieval
Information Storage and Retrieval
Bates' Bibliography Classification: Information Seeking, Indexing
On conceptual models for information seeking and retrieval
Human information seeking in electronic
Information Seeking Behavior - A Bibliography
Faceted Classification
Hybrid Information Seeking Models
The Information Access Process
Serendipitous Informatio Retrieval [pdf]
Information Retrieval and Metadata - Digital Library Activities
Interfaces to support collaboration in information retrieval
Information Storage and Retrieval Systems [pdf]
Search strategies
Information retrieval
Calvin Mooers
Online Information Retrieval
Information Retrieval Design
Journal American Society for Information Science
JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science
Related Bibliography: Information Retrieval in Online Catalogs
Developing an online Information Environment
JISC Information Environment Architecture
Getting the most out of data, Making the most of research
Data Web
Semantic Web
RIN study on Researchers-Discovery-Services
Professor Tom Wilson's home-page
The WWW Virtual Library Information Design
Tools for Knowledge Organization Today
knowledge, information & data management