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Resource Description Framework (RDF) Schema Specification 1.0
fNSDL Metadata Primer Creating metadata:
The Identifier Element
Want to include RDN content on your Web site?
Selected Metasites in Information Studies
Using Dublin Core in XML XSL - Table of Contents
DCMI term declarations represented in XML schema language
The Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
Text Encoding Initiative: Guidelines
Connexion,E-Books, and Cataloging Internet Resources
OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop Report
UMass Amherst Cataloging Dept. - Cataloging Internet Resources
Internet Public Library: Pathfinders
IMS Resource List Interoperability Best Practice
Digital Library Federation
The Open University Library
NINCH Guide to Good Practice
Catalogues and cataloguing in digital libraries
ODLIS — Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
The Semantic Web - what is happening ?
Future Library Systems : Beyond the Electronic Card Catalogue
Using Metadata
Introduction Electronic Resource Citation (ERC)
Metadata in the Oxford Digital Library
LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal
PDF] Assessment of Options for Handling Full Unicode in MARC 21
Meta-information about MARC: an XML framework for validation, explanation and help systems
Arabic Name Authority in the Online Environment: Options and Implications
MARC4J tutorial
UNIMARC to MARC 21 Conversion Specifications (Library of Congress)
Welcome to the SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #109
SPARC Open Access Newsletter (SOAN)
Free Online Scholarship (FOS) Newsletter
Focusing on open access to peer-reviewed research articles
An XML Schema to represent MARC records
The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
Notes on mapping of national libraries' metadata requirements to Dublin Core
New metadata standards for digital resources: MODS and METS
Use of Library Standards in Dynix Products
XML Schemas and Support for Multiple Record Formats in OAI-PMH
MARC 21 as a Metadata Standard
Metadata: Data With a PurposeA brief introduction to metadata, especially for librarians
Metadata overview Mapping and Converting Essential Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Metadata into MARC21 and Dublin Core: Towards an Alternative to the FGDC Clearinghouse
l Dublin Core Metadata Glossary
Metadata standards, crosswalks, and standard organizations
A glossary of InterNet terms by InterNet Literacy Consultants
Metadata Resources
LaTisha D. Lankford. Guide for Cataloging Legal Websites: using MARC and Dublin
METS schema
Libraries, metadata and preservation of electronic resources
University of Waterloo electronic theses: issues and partnerships
An approach to mapping CCF to Dublin Core
ETD2MARC: A semi-automated workflow for cataloging electronic theses
Knowledge Access Manager's Toolbox
Metadata and cataloging practices
Theses Canada Requirements for Harvesting Electronic Theses and Metadata
RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Qualified Dublin Core
Expressing Simple Dublin Core in RDF/XML,br> Making a Digital Library compliant to the Open Archives Initiative Metadata harvesting Protocol
Use Scenario No.1 - Basic digital object management requirements
Metadata Interoperability: A Study of Methodology
Metadata overview
ODLIS — Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science
Dublin Core Projects - Alphabetical
Electronic thesis initiative: pilot project of McGill University, Montreal
Electronic thesis and dissertation services: semantic interoperability, subject access, multilinguality
Metalanguage for Describing Internet Resources Using the Dublin Core Element Set
Cataloguing: MARC, DC, RDF, Ana Pavani, Gail McMillan
Guidelines for cataloguing remote access electronic resources
Theses Canada Requirements for Harvesting Electronic Theses and Metadata
Report on electronic dissertation workshop: DTDs and the usage of new XML-technologies for electronic theses
Author-generated Dublin Core Metadata for Web Resources
Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS)
Dublin Core/FINMARC/GILS Crosswalk
ashort update on Metadata specs
Metadata Grammar:Towards convergence between Dublin Core and RDF
survey concerning the use of Dublin Core (DC) and MARC
Dublin Core Collection Description Frequency Vocabulary