The Horn of Africa
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British Library Public Catalogue
Library of Congress Online Catalogs
Library of Congress WWW/Z39.50 Gateway
COPAC Home Page: University Research Library Catalogue
Western European Library Catalogs on the Internet International Library Catalogues
BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Library catalogues in London
Library catalogues worldwide
Libraries and Library Catalogues Special libraries
National Library Catalogues: by country (E to K)
The National Library of Russia: OPAC
Online Catalogues National Library of Scotland
Glasgow university library: catalogue
V&A - National Art Library Catalogue
The Nordic Africa Institute's Online Catalogue
The union catalogue of Swedish libraries
Indiana University Library
Leeds University Library Catalogue
Royal Danish Library Catalogue
University of Namibia OPAC
University of South Africa Library Catalogue
OASIS University of South Africa Library Catalogue
Metafro Infosys - The online catalogue about Africa
Whipple Library:Library catalogues
Catalogues, University of Otago Library
Huntington Library Online Catalogue
Political Studies Subject Guide, University of Otago Library
Parma University Libraries and other catalogues  Library Catalogues 
Researchers' Web Library Catalogues
UT Library Online Electronic Books
Cataloguing Fundamental AACR2
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
TRIS Online
SUNCAT the Serials UNion CATalogue
Biblioteca Italiana
OPAC dell'Indice SBN
OPAC Search and Navigation North Carolina State University Success Story
Biblioteca Riccardiana
Digital Image Archive of Medeval Music
Archive Lis
Manuscript sources
HEWITT Microfil Collection:An Inventory
Music Cataloging at Yale