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Design inference website
BIPS: Bayesian Inference for the Physical Sciences
Ontology InferenceLayer (OIL)
Web Meta Search
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Human Inference | Data Quality Solutions
Inference vs. observation
Welcome to Inference
Workshop "Conditionals, Information, and Inference
Knowledge Representation and Inference
Inference, or model evaluation
A Query and Inference Service for RDF
Semantic inference system
Semantic Technology
Ontology InferenceLayer (OIL)
TAMBIS and Gene-Ontology Represented in The Ontology Inference
F-OWL: An OWL Inference Engine in Flora-2
Cover Pages: Ontology Interchange Language (OIL)
Ontologyaware XML-Queries
Definition: OIL Ontology Inference Layer) [Web and XML Glossary]
Ontologies - infoAnarchy Wiki
Ontology and Knowledge Representation Formalisms
Questions and answers on OIL
What is a Medical Ontology
Ontology in Support of The Knowledge Collection (TKC)
XML and its kin
CETIS MDR SIG : references : vocabularies, taxonomies etc
Ontology based Inference and Learning
The Neuroinformatics Portal Pilot - Semantic Web terms
DARPA ML+Ontology Inference
10.4 ontology based semantic search tool for atmospheric science
D17 v0.1 Ontology Management System
Sean Bechhofer:Research:OIL
KBS/Ontology Projects Worldwide
Ontology in Support of The Knowledge Collection (TKC)
OWL Web Ontology Language Overview
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Ontology (computer science)
Ontology Matching
XML and its kin
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