03/2022  · 
On this page I have described the construction of the Massaua-Asmara road; Massaua-Decamerè via Piana d'Ala,; Asmara road - Addis Ababa and that Asmara - Lake Tana via Gondar.
Today we will talk about another incredible, cyclopic road, which is the ASSAB- ADDIS ABEBA.
In 1935, to complete the 861 km. of the route, excavations were carried out for 7.080,000 cubic meters, detected for 6,995,000 cubic meters of brick, brick and concrete for 685,000 cubic metres, massacred for 1.510,000 mc; cylinder stone for 1.230,000 mc ; bitumature for 6.030,000 square meters; light bridges over 10 meters No. 132; minor bridges 2,851 and 4 galleries. . Lire's sustained spending one billion and 255 thousand Lira, at the current exchange rate of over 10 billion euros.
Starting from Assab's abode the road first crossed the Ghibd ò plow with a beautiful bridge of 7 arches of 12 meters each; then it continues for another 120 km. of a fiery desert, without a thread of grass and without a trace of life, and that, except the wells of Elidar , leaving to the left is the volcano cone of Mussolì and then overcoming a vast depression. At Km. 101 you reach 686 meters s.l.m and you reach the lavica formation cradle and then descend 11 km long. up to 300, in the wide valley of the Dioita where a 5-acre bridge of 4 meters light was built. It then goes up to the Elidar ditch, which also crossed from a two-arcade bridge which, in some seasons, has traces of water on the surface and in which there are many wells dug by the dancers, a large acacia vegetation where the cars are these Italians in the back can be found restorative. But for 143 km. after Elidar, until the encounter with the river Auasc in Tendha ò, there are no more water traces.
Followed by the Matarà Plan and the wide Ballon of Dobi, from which the alveo expands the heavily mineralized magnetic waters that evaporates into a dazzling layer of salt.
The crossing of the Dobi valley requires a very painful job for the very high temperatures, reversed by the solar mirror and the basaltic wash flames. Masses of Sudanese, managed by Italian workers, worked for almost a year with a construction site appolled on the cymbal called, jokingly, "Villa Paradiso".
Sard ò follows 248 km. from Assab, basaltic gibbosity on which you can reach the construction sites of the Vaselli and Ceratto Company, which dominates the sea of sands of the Basaltic islands to then reach the rocky strait at Tendha ò and quind The plan that has been crossed by many limited sinks from a row of thorny shrubs, getting taller and greener, as it gets closer to the Altopiano.
Bridges become numerous and important here; the plates, sometimes, are submerged by water and the found made of sand, had to be made with parachute coating.
The Dancala depression ends at the intersection of the Jerome River, 378 km. from Assab to 600 m.. Here they begin the slopes that match the sinkhole of the bowl. The landscape changes and after Batiè appears rich in water, sprinkled with tucul, green for the forests and fields intensely grown with cereals. The ascension continues to reach 2021 meters on Monticol ò hill, from which the magnificent Kombolcià conca is dominated. You can reach by going down for 2 km. the same intersection from which, on a cippo, the following distances were reported:
485 km to Assab
702 km to Asmara.
374 km to Addis Ababa.
An extraordinary work of Italian ingenuity that where it came from he used to do: roads, railways, ports, schools.

Think, this is how the Sudanese were chosen because they survived the heat better. The building material came mostly from Italy and was transported either by planes or by trucks. Dozens of corner houses were built on that section of the road with water wells and wide

green spaces. during the years from 1941 to 1956 Italian drivers, predominantly from Asmara, walked this road wearing dark glasses even at night, for the salt reverberation Without their contribution Ethiopia would have been cut off from the refills try it out.