Jelal Yassin

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ቅዋምን ፍትሒን ኣብ ዝነበረሉ ግዜ፡ ማዕረ ናይ ስልጣን ምቅራሕ 'ውን ነይሩ።
Asmara, 12.9.56
* ኣባላት ናይ ካልኣይ ባይቶ ኤርትራ። ኣስመራ 12. 09. 1956
Annex I
Eritrean Elections, 1956.
Nomination Day – August 15. Polling Day-September 5 and 6. Numbers of seats 68
Number of Candidates 188
Christian elected 32
Moslem elected 32
Christians re-elected 17
Muslims re-elected 15
Christian unopposed 10
Muslims unopposed 20
Results challenged 4
Former members unopposed 22 New members 32
New members unopposed 8
Annex II Election District
Asmara Division Political Affiliation
1. Demsas Woldemikael UP
2. Ibrahim Ali Bekit AU
3. Solomon Hailemelokot UP
4. Berhanu Ahmeddin AU
5. Habtesghi Ogbasghi UP
6. Fessaha Woldemariam AU
7. Keshi Meascio Bein UP
Massawa Division
1. Hajj Osman Mohammed Hindi AU
2. Ato Misgun Bokru UP
AkeleGuzai Division
1. Ato Ghebrekidan Tesemma AU
2. Bashai Habte Tesfamikael UP
3. Dejach Berhe Asmerom AU
4. Ato Tewelde Tedla UP
5. Fit. Negash Bariaeghzi UP
6. Dej. Ghebrezghi Guangul AU
7. Fit. Saleh Omar AU
8. Sayid Ahmed Saleh Barole AU
9. Sayid Sunabara Damana AU
10. Graz. Abdella Omar AU
11. Lij. Alemseged Belai UP
12. Azmatch Reda Guangul UP
Serae Division
1. Bashai Berhane Tecle UP
2. Azmatch Fasil Habtu UP
3. Kegnaz. Yihdego Ghebrerufael UP
4. Keshi Woldeyohannes Tzadu UP
5. Ato Tesfai Zemikael - -
6. Keshi Dimetros Ghebremariam UP
7. Ato Nega Naizghi UP
8. Ato Ogbe Haile UP
9. Azmatch Woldemikael Beraki UP
10. Graz. Asmerom Woldeghiorghis UP
11. Ato Ghebremikael Derzo UP
12. Graz. Tesfamikael Werke UP
Hamasen Division
1. Bashai Tekeste Seleba --
2. Bashai Ghebrehiwet Tesfai UP
3. Azmatch Hagos Sereke UP
4. Ato Berhe Ghebrehiwet UP
5. Ato Belai Ghebremariam UP
6. Graz. Ghebremariam T. UP
Keren Division
1. Sayid Hussein Kafeel AU
2. Sayid Ismael Daud --
3. Sayid Sefaf Hiyabu UP
4. Cavalier Abbe Mohammed --
5. Ato Abreha Wonderas UP
6. Sheik Hamid Sayid Hamid --
7. Sayid Yusuf Faki Ali AU
8. Sayid Mohammed Ale Abdella --
9. Sayid Omar Sheikh Mohammed Amir AU
10. Sayid Mohammed Sayid M. Hasseno AU
11. Haj Mohammed Mussa Mender AU
12. Sayid Abdu Sheikh Ali AU
13. Sayid Osman Mohammed AU
14. Sayid Osman Abdurrahman Sheferai --
15. Sayid Omar Adem Idris AU
16. Sayid Al Hassan Mohammed Akola --
17. Sayid Hamid Ferej Hamid --
18. Sayid Adem Suleiman Dighe --
19. Sayid Mohammed Badumme Kassu AU
20. Sayid Faid Tinga Longhi AU
21. Sayid Mohammed Arey Agaba --
Massawa Sub-Division
1. Sayid Mohammed Ali Sheikh el Amin --
2. Sheikh Kekkia Pasha UP
3. Sayid Mohammed Ali Maliki --
Assab Division
1. Rashid Sirru --
Key to abbreviations UP = the Unionist Party AU = Anti-Unionist
This includes all those who were active within the Moslem League as well as those who wanted to maintain the federal status of Eritrea.
-- stands for those who did not publicly express their political affiliation ( most of them was anti unionist)
*1957 New Eritrean Departmental Secretaries- September 1955
Fitewrari Asfeha Woldemichael, - the Chief Executive
Bitwoded Endargatchew Messai - the Emperor's Representative in Eritrea
Ato Ghebrehannes Tesfamariam - Econmic Affairs
Sheikh Omar Hassano - Law and Justice
Sheik Said Sefaf - Social Affairs
Dejasmatch Araya Wassie - Interior
Sheik Mahmud Omar Ibrahim - State Property
Grazmatch Tesfayohannes Berhe - Finance
Sheikh Hamed Ferej - President of the National Assembly
Keshi Demetrios Ghebremariam (Vice-President of the Eritrean Assembly)
Brigadier General Tedla Ogbit (Eritrean Police Commissioner),